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Exploring climate change risks:
You’ll start to think about how climate change is affecting Victoria. We’ve designed the session to quickly immerse you in the topic and explore how climate change might affect your own organisation. You’ll begin the work of ensuring your risk management framework is used to consider and act on climate change risks. 

Advising your organisation how to handle climate change risks:
You’ll practise your risk advisory skills and apply VMIA’s climate change risk guides to your own organisation. You’ll hear from your peers on how they’ll approach addressing climate change risks and create a tailored plan you can use to ensure climate change features in your risk management agenda.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this workshop, you should be able to:

  • confidently include climate change risks in your organisation’s risk profile
  • advise your organisation about these risks and how it may affect operations and services.


This session is for:

  • risk and governance professionals who want to ensure climate change is a mainstream part of their risk management approach
  • environment specialists who may wish to view climate change from an enterprise risk perspective.

What's next

This event will be hosted on Teams.


Jonathon Masom

Jonathon Masom, Manager, Client Capability

Hi! I'm a risk management educator, with a keen interest in facilitation. I love working with groups of people to help them make sense of stuff that's complex and uncertain. I've helped people from industries as diverse as aviation, research, education, health, financial services and justice.

If you have any questions or need some assistance, please reach out to - we look forward to connecting with you.

Collection Notice

VMIA will collect your personal information through the registration form in order to register you for a workshop. This personal information may be used to contact you regarding program details, to distribute content (such as resources and additional program updates), for collecting feedback and for reporting purposes.

VMIA may record the session, the information recorded may include the names, images, voices and opinions of participants. Recordings may be used to improve future sessions or to provide copies to VMIA clients that could not attend the live session, however, VMIA may use or disclose the recording for another related purpose. By registering for this event, you consent to your personal information being recorded in the video recording of the session.

We will not disclose your personal information without your consent, except where required to do so by law.

If you do not wish to provide your personal information you will be unable to register for the program.

You may contact us to request access to your personal information, or for other concerns regarding the privacy of your personal information at

For more information, read our Privacy Policy.
