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- Freedom of Information
Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic) (FOI Act) you have a right to apply for access to information created and held by VMIA.
On this page we outline how to identify the documents we hold and make an FOI application under the FOI Act.
More information on FOI can be found on the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner website.
VMIA and its functions
The Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (VMIA) is the Victorian Government’s insurer and risk adviser, covering the people, places and projects that help Victorians thrive.
We’re also here for Victorian homeowners embarking on domestic building projects, offering cover to protect one of the biggest personal investments Victorians make in their lives.
VMIA is established as a statutory authority under the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority Act 1996 (Vic) (VMIA Act). Under the VMIA Act, VMIA provides risk advice and insurance services to Victorian Government Departments, statutory authorities and other entities related to government activities (participating bodies).
The primary functions of VMIA under the VMIA Act are to:
- Assist departments and participating bodies to establish programs for the identification, quantification, and management of risks.
- Monitor risk management by departments and participating bodies.
- Act as an insurer for, or provide insurance services to, departments and participating bodies.
- Provide indemnities and insurance as otherwise specified in the VMIA Act.
- Provide risk management advice to the State and to provide risk management advice and training to departments and participating bodies.
The VMIA Act also provides for its Minister, the Assistant Treasurer, to direct VMIA to provide insurance to a person or class of person specified in the direction. Two significant directions are:
- To provide domestic building insurance to domestic builders.
- To provide all necessary insurance in respect of any construction project to all parties, provided that a department or participating body is a principal to the contract.
Categories of documents
VMIA creates many documents and records in the course of its work.
VMIA's documents are organised under the following categories:
- Board and Committee
- Claims Management
- Client Relations
- Communications
- Community Relations
- Corporate Operations
- Facilities
- Finance
- Governance
- Government Relations
- Information Management
- Information Technology
- Insurance
- Legal Services
- People
- Procurement and Contract Management
- Project Management
- Risk
- Strategic Management
FOI arrangements - How to make an FOI request
You can access documents held by VMIA by submitting a request under the FOI Act.
For a request to be valid it must be in writing, the application fee must be paid and the request must be clear enough for VMIA to locate the document/s you are seeking.
VMIA has a FOI Request Form [DOCX, 478KB] you can use to provide the information we need to process your request. Email the completed form to FOI@vmia.vic.gov.au.
Payment: Please pay the FOI application fee of $32.70 to Victorian Managed Insurance Authority via electronic funds transfer into BSB: 033157 Account 253752. Please include your name for reference. If you are experiencing financial hardship, you may apply to have this fee waived.
On receipt of your application and fee, VMIA's FOI Officer will review your request and respond to you in writing as soon as possible within 30 days, providing a decision and outlining reasons for the decision.
The decision may be to release the documents sought or, in some instances, exemptions may be claimed where documents are released in part or not at all.
If you disagree with a decision, apply for a review through the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner.
If you have any FOI questions or need any assistance, please contact us on FOI@vmia.vic.gov.au
Further information
VMIA produces a wide range of publications, many of which can be accessed on this website.
Information specified by Financial Reporting Direction 22C is retained by VMIA and is made available on request to relevant Ministers, Members of Parliament and the public (subject to FOI requirements, if applicable).
Please note, the resource locations and content listed provides only a snapshot of the information that is available and is by no means an exhaustive representation.