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(Risk advisory)
Risk advice & support | Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
Risk advisory
We have the tools, resources and expertise you need to better manage your risk.
Internal Audit Clinical Tool (IACT) Kit | Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
Risk advisory
Internal Audit Clinical Tool (IACT) Kit. These set of resources and tools have been created to support your internal audit of clinical areas.
Risk Advisory| Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
Risk advisory
Providing tools and training to support increased risk exposure awareness.
Incentivising better patient safety | Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
Risk advisory
IBPS is about striving for better outcomes for mothers and babies in the birth suite.
IBPS training tracker tool | Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
Risk advisory
The tool supports your hospital to monitor progress towards meeting the IBPS initiative criteria.
SRS - Site Risk Survey Program | Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
Risk advisory
A Site Risk Survey (SRS) is an "engineering" risk assessment.
Perioperative Harm Prevention| Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
Risk advisory
Improving patient safety before, during and after surgery.
Harm Prevention Program | Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
Risk advisory
Identifying and implementing interventions targeted at reducing harm to the Victorian community.
Patient voice | Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
Risk advisory
A number of resources are available to support your organisation in building a culture of listening, particularly in improving governance of health services.
Australasian College of Health Service Management (ACHSM) | Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
Risk advisory
VMIA's partnership with the peak professional body for health managers in Australasia.