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(Risk advisory)
Risk Advisory| Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
Risk advisory
Providing tools and training to support increased risk exposure awareness.
Incentivising better patient safety | Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
Risk advisory
IBPS is about striving for better outcomes for mothers and babies in the birth suite.
IBPS training tracker tool | Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
Risk advisory
The tool supports your hospital to monitor progress towards meeting the IBPS initiative criteria.
Risk advice & support | Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
Risk advisory
We have the tools, resources and expertise you need to better manage your risk.
Internal Audit Clinical Tool (IACT) Kit | Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
Risk advisory
Internal Audit Clinical Tool (IACT) Kit. These set of resources and tools have been created to support your internal audit of clinical areas.
SRS - Site Risk Survey Program | Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
Risk advisory
A Site Risk Survey (SRS) is an "engineering" risk assessment.
Perioperative Harm Prevention| Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
Risk advisory
Improving patient safety before, during and after surgery.
Harm Prevention Program | Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
Risk advisory
Identifying and implementing interventions targeted at reducing harm to the Victorian community.
Patient voice | Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
Risk advisory
A number of resources are available to support your organisation in building a culture of listening, particularly in improving governance of health services.
Australasian College of Health Service Management (ACHSM) | Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
Risk advisory
VMIA's partnership with the peak professional body for health managers in Australasia.