Legal advice on employment issues for public hospitals

AdviceLine offers confidential legal advice on employment issues for managers at Victorian public hospitals. The legal advice provided is fully funded by VMIA at no cost to the organisation.

AdviceLine is a quick and simple way for managers to check that they are taking the best action to avoid or minimise the risks and costs associated with employment issues. The service provides up to two hours fully funded legal advice per employment issue.

More information is available here [PDF, 991KB]. 

What sort of advice?

AdviceLine offers fully funded confidential legal advice on employment issues that arise through the workplace such as bullying, general protections, discrimination and unfair dismissal. The service focuses on the practical steps that an employer can take in a particular situation to either avoid a legal dispute or to minimise the risks and costs associated with a dispute. 

How do I access AdviceLine?

Managers in the Victorian public health system can call AdviceLine on 9032 3008 or email

Who provides this advice?

AdviceLine is a joint project between VMIA and the Victorian Government Solicitors Office (VGSO). AdviceLine is staffed by experienced VGSO workplace relations lawyers who have professional expertise in legal aspects across the range of workplace issues. To learn more about VGSO, click here.

What are the benefits of AdviceLine?

AdviceLine has been established in recognition that employment issues can be complex, time-consuming and highly sensitive. It is also acknowledged that legal advice can be perceived as difficult to understand and expensive. 

AdviceLine is fully funded confidential legal advice around employment issues which may assist in pre-empting some matters from escalating. It will also support decision makers to ensure the best and correct actions are taken. This will mean the risks and costs associated with employment issues are minimised.

The AdviceLine pilot project revealed that users appreciated:

  • the quick and responsive access to expert employment law advice.
  • the service was available to a range of different departments and levels within organisations including human resources, general counsel and senior executives.

Frequently asked questions

For frequently asked questions click here [PDF, 147KB].